Friday, May 3, 2013

This chapter is full of exciting events. One main event is Simon finding the dead pilot in the parachute. I feel that it is foreshadowing what is going to come in the book as in someone will die. Another main event is the murder of Simon. I feel this is the most important event of the chapter. It shows that the boys are becoming wild to the point where they can't control themselves. They think that Simon was the beastie so they tear him apart with their bare hands and eventually knock him over a cliff, fall on him, and kill him. I feel that this is another event foreshadowing the two groups are going to have a major conflict between each other. Lastly I think that the ocean sweeping away Simon’s body is foreshadowing that all past events will be forgotten.

1. Dead pilot found in the parachute hanging from a tree.
2. Ralph and Piggy go the feast held by Jack and his followers are offered to join jack's tribe.
3. The group starts to dance and reenact the killing of the pig and even Ralph joins in.
4. Simon is thought to be the beastie and is killed by the group when they fall onto him.
5. Ocean sweeps away his dead body and the wind blows the dead pilots body onto the beach.